AMA Kicks Off New Semester
UW-Eau Claire’s American Marketing Association found lots of success first semester and is looking to keep that momentum going!
Just to recap what happened in AMA last semester, here is a quick summary:
Traveled to Whitewater and Aurora AMA conferences
Kohl’s Marketing Team took first at Whitewater along with three sales finalists which was sponsored by Federated Insurance
Director’s Retreat in the Twin Cities
Participated in our annual AMA sponsored highway clean up and hosted a Blood Drive with the Red Cross
Hosted multiple business professional workshops and brought in speakers
Case Team placed top 10 in the nation for their marketing research sponsored by Hershey’s
What to expect second semester:
Come find us at B.O.B. to find out more about AMA!
New Member Dinner
Director’s Retreat in Wisconsin Dells
Annual Regional Conference in Eau Claire
National Conference in New Orleans
If you are interested in joining AMA, it is never too late! AMA hosts professional speakers and workshops every Thursday at 6 p.m. in Centennial 2614. For more information or general questions, email President Sam Nechkash at or visit